High Standard Supermatic Citation 22LR
High Standard is a company with a rich history of some of the best production accuracy ever available. For this reason, the U.S. Military issued many of these 22LR pistols to pilots as a survival gun to use for hunting and defense in the case of a crash landing. The company made many different models through the years with the Supermatic Citation and the Victor being considered amongst to most accurate. The Citation models came with an easily removable bull barrel of varying length with optional barrel weights, target grip, adjustable sights and trigger pull adjustment screw. Originally the weapon came with what is called a “Slant” grip design that makes the gun feel like an extension of your pointing finger. Later, the “Military” grip style came into popularity giving people a training weapon with the angle and feel of a 1911 grip. Due to the overwhelming popularity of the military grip design far more were made with this configuration making the slant grip slightly more rare.
I used to go to the range weekly with a Master Sergeant who was annually ranked number one in the nation for the Army reserves slow fire pistol championship. His choice of weapon in the 22 caliber class was a High Standard Victor or a backup Citation model.
This is a gun that is capable of more than it’s owner. Simply put a steady hand should be able to drill the bull with every shot at 25 yards. If your hand isn’t that steady the weight of this all steel classic will dampen Your shake a little and help you to the target. With the proper adjustment the trigger pull is beyond a hair trigger and you will send it down range with a mere touch each time. It’s a dream to shoot and easier to disassemble for cleaning than most of the “modern” alternatives.
Sadly, not all High Standards are made the same. The original home of these highly accurate weapons was Hamden CT. That factory burned to the ground in the mid 1970’s and High Standard pistols were never the same quality after that point. Thus, when shopping for this gun you will want to avoid the E. Hartford models. While gun blue books value these guns in excellent condition at $550-600 they fail to consider the manufacturing location. If you find a Hamden model in excellent condition expect to pay between $800-1000 from a collector in the know.
I have a chance to purchase a Supermatic citation ML06954 excellent condition 500.00. Would that be a fair price and also a good serial number model? thanks
Jay, the secret to buying a good High Standard Pistol is wher it was made. If that Citation has Hamden CT on the barrel you are in good shape. I expect you could make a profit on gunbroker. If it hasn’t been shot out it should be a great gun. I would check the rifling with a bore light and have him show you how to strip it down. That way you can see if he took care of it.
Thanks Yes does have Hamden CT inscribed. Bluing is excellent, rifling looks good, looks to have minimal use. No plating peel. It has the 5.5 inch barrel, no paperwork or box. Not looking to make money. Just wanted reassurance I guess….. new shooter.. Thanks
Jay send us a Photo once you have it. Know that it is normal for the take down button below the barrel to be quite tight unless it was just cleaned. I often use a small rubber mallet to break it free.
I have a friend desperate for money and he has a High Standard Supermatic Trophy he will sell me for $250.00! It comes in a walnut box! He says it is in excellent condition! I am to see it tomorrow for the first time! Could you recommend what I should look for! I feel the price is excellent if it is as good as he says! And I am not buying it for resale but for personal enjoyment!
Sorry. I was out of the country. The trophy is a great model. You want to see that it was made in Hamden CT. in 1973 that factory burned down. If you end up with a New Hartford model it loses a lot of value but at that price I think you will still be ok. The box is nice but almost certainly not original to the gun. They came in a burgundy cardboard box. Of course you want to look at the rifling and make sure its visible and not shot out. Hope this helps.
Hi, It ended up being made in New Hartford in 1981 but it is in excellent shape and it came with just one magazine! It fires great and is very accurate! It has an allen screw holding the barrel on but I was able to unscrew and clean it! I felt for the price that It would still be a decent purchase! I think I will keep it since the walnut box with red velvet interior and a sub walnut box for ammunition! Thanks for the information and I will sure save up for a Hamden vintage model!
I have a High Standard supermatic citation military made in Hamden Conn. usa seral # 2466xxx acording to what i have read was made in 1975 you said the factory burned down before that how could that be
Bob, the timeline I gave in my write up is the story I was given when I began collecting these pistols. I won’t swear it’s perfect but I haven’t found anything that refutes it yet.

As for your situation the serial # you give was actually made in 1973 per one of the best sources on the subject. I’m attaching a link for you.
High Standard Serial Number Chart
I bought my High Standard Military Supermatic Trophy 5.5″ barrel, in 1974 with s/n 2447xxx, with “Hamden Conn.” stamped on the barrel. It shoots very good.
My friend just gave me one of these. “High Standard” “Supermatic Citation”. Serial number ML21580 made in Hamden, Conn. Is this a collector’s item or is it ok to shoot? Any feedback is welcomed. God bless ??
Love my High Standard Supermatic Trophy. 1962 model with the 7.25″ fluted and 10″ space barrel. Inherited from my dad, who inherited from his dad. Only thing missing is an original box. Someday.
I was given a Hi Standard Supermatic Citation made in Hamden Conn.Serial number 1149095. It is stamped Model 103. Where is a good site to learn about this pistol and possible value? Thanks!
Try here: http://hscollectorsblog.blogspot.com/?m=1
Value is tricky. The books will say 500 or less, the shops will say 350 but sell them for 700-900. Only collectors really know the value. Of course it’s all in the condition.
I just picked up a High Standard Supermatic with a 390xxx serial number. The original owner purchased it in Detroit in 1952. It has a lever release for the barrel instead of the button release shown in the picture. It seems to be in very good condition. There are two weights and two magazines with it in it’s original cardboard box.
This is a very comprehensive and detailed information. In Swedish though. Try to find someone to translate, It is worth the effort!
I’m confused as well, I have a Supermatic Trophy, stamped Hamden, Conn. it has a serial #ML05562
It appears according to chart above it was produced in 1975 but you said factory burned in 1973. Anyone have any additional info?