I don’t know how you feel about the IWI Tavor but for me it’s on my short list of serious wants and possible needs for the Charlton Heston “Cold Dead Hands” scenario.  I have loved the very idea of that rifle since it emerged from Israel.  I find its bullpup design very attractive, coupling the full size barrel and short overall length.  I’ve heard the arguments against the rifle; “the trigger linkage causes an inherently bad trigger” and “if there is a catastrophic failure, you face is resting on the danger zone”.  Well, I say if the Israeli military can rely on this puppy it’s not going to blow my face off.  As for the trigger, I have shot the gun with this issue in mind and found the argument to be silly.  For my purposes and the combat design for which it was intended the trigger is fine.  I can be plenty accurate with it as it stands.

But, as it turns out, the rifle I was so pleased with has gotten a makeover and IWI took notes from the consumer market to create the X95.  The new version of the Tavor gives us so much more that I didn’t know I wanted, until now.  First, you will all be pleased to hear the trigger was addressed.  The previous Tavor carried a 10 lb trigger, the weight of which likely caused most of the complaints.  The trigger pull has been reduced to a very manageable 6 lbs.  After only a couple rounds down range, I was popping the spinner target back and forth around the head of the rest of the steel.  It’s a blast to shoot.

As for the rest of the rifle, the fore end grip now consists of smoothly integrated rail covers.  TAVOR RAILThe new rails provide more flexibility for accessory use with ease and you wouldn’t even know they were there unless someone went over the rifle with you (or you are a lady purchasing the gun and have the mind to do something men don’t usually do; read the manual).  Next, the non-reciprocating charging handle was moved back to be closer to the rest of the controls.  IWI added an ability to change the grip configuration and a way to switch to a traditional style of trigger guard.  They’ve changed the mag release to be a little more in line with AR platform controls.Tavor mag releaseFinally, the whole rifle has been slimmed down a  little and its shaved a little weight.

All I can say for sure is this will be a big hit


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