It’s no secret that I only bother to write positive reviews. I don’t see the point in wasting my time writing or your time reading about things neither of us wants. But sometimes I come across something that really excites me and I really want to share my finding. This is the case with the Self Defense Fund.
I met the man behind the company at industry day at the range this year. Our conversation blew my mind. I had known about an insurance service with flashy magazines and a couple hundred thousand in legal coverage for concealed carry folks. I also knew it was not cheap. Then he told me of the SELF DEFENSE FUND.
The SDF provides a membership that provides up to ONE MILLION DOLLARS in legal defense, both criminal and civil! That means attorneys are paid, expert witnesses are paid, testing, bonds, impounds ALL PAID! Coverage for any self defense situation whether with a gun, a rock or your bare hands. Plus other perks which we will discuss. ALL THAT FOR $12.50 PER MONTH and if you want to add a spouse it’s only $5 more.
I paid for my membership and my wife’s so that I could be sure we could give a membership to a reader. I believe in this service and I can’t understand why anyone with a concealed carry permit wouldn’t join. It’s too much peace of mind to pass up for such a small fee!
The Self Defense Fund website provides a huge amount of material to the members! Members get a great legal Q&A called “Self defense and the law 101”. Plus a multitude of books available on a giant variety of subjects from self defense training to guns to specific law on tribal land and more. There is a very nice selection of videos on defensive training such as you might buy on Wednesday night on the outdoor channel. Best of all to me, there is a growing library of 425 gun manuals available in PDF form. Not exploded spec sheets these are full manuals!
That’s impressive and worth the $12.50 per month by itself. on top of that you get a monthly newsletter emailed (and I can assure you they are interesting and timely).
From what I’ve seen there’s other good work being done at the Self Defense Fund as well. The fund stands up to fight for the 2nd amendment with legal representation and has even offered such help on occasion for non-members behind the scenes in high profile cases. These are the good guys and I like what I see.
For those that may want to consider a certain competitor you should look at the cost and coverage you get. You can pay a similar fee to them and get a flashy magazine subscription and a quarter of the coverage amount you’d get with the SDF. (In example, consider the NRA, think of all the good they could do above the current work if they stopped the expense of a magazine and all the trinkets for renewals.)
Anyone that carries a weapon needs to stop and really think about the times in which we live. If you have to defend yourself in nearly any situation someone involved or a family member will sue you. This super litigious leftist anti-gun society will see you incarcerated, bankrupt or both! Even if you do nothing wrong, you will go to jail while the cops sort things out. You’ll need a good attorney to get you out before you lose your job. You’ll pay your life savings defending yourself in a whole new way you never trained for. Then when you win the criminal case you have a family member sue you because you killed the cousin that broke into your home and held you at knife point because you could have used rubber bullets? Worst of all, they could win. These are crazy times. If you have a home in an area prone to wildfire you would buy insurance against fire. Well in today’s political environment the leaves are on the ground and it hasn’t rained in years. Be smart and prepare.
Though I have not delved into the coverage research it should also be mentioned that the SDF offers coverage specifically for FFLs as well.
Do you still fill the same in 2019 as you did in 2015?