Sticky Holsters Travel Mount
I’ve reported in the past about how well the Sticky holster material does its job. In my previous review I showed how I would use the holster in the car. The material holds so well to its surroundings, I said it was perfect to jam between the seats to hold you gun at the ready in the car. Sticky holsters took the idea a few steps further with the Travel Mount.
The Sticky Holsters Travel Mount is basically a pocket lined with the sticky material and backed with some hard core velcro. It’s a simple idea but it wouldn’t work without the sticky material. It holds so well to other surfaces as it is but when the sticky holster meets the sticky lining it holds exceptionally well. We saw this previously with the Ankle Biter holster setup.

Once your holster is in place in that rig you can shake your leg all you want and it’s rock solid. So with the stick on sheet of velcro material the Travel mount can be placed just about anywhere. The obvious choices are in the vehicle console or under the dash.The velcro is very strong so you can mount it inverted with no problems. So the mount can be under a desk top, on the back of a door. Wherever you see fit. To me it’s a winner. You can have the gun at the ready in the right place in your car and not worry about the clutter getting in the way or scratching up your gun.